dry hair
Dry hair occurs when your hair does not receive enough moisture. This reduces its luster and can make your hair appear frizzy, lifeless, and dull. Dry hair can affect men and women of any age.

Shine and luster are two important signs of healthy hair. Your hair consists of three layers. In healthy hair, the outer layer thoroughly protects the inner layers. Natural oils in the outer layer also reflect light, making your hair shiny. In cases of dry hair, the outer layer breaks down, which causes the hair to appear dull and unhealthy.

6 Reasons or causes why Your Hair Is Dry and Brittle
1. The Weather
“Summer includes overexposure to the sun, swimming, and products with alcohol, which can all dehydrate hair,” says Remington celebrity stylist Richard Marin. "And with winter comes extreme cold followed by overheated indoors, which can make hair parched and dry."
2. Smoothing Treatments
Too many smoothing treatments done close together can leave your locks super thirsty. “These treatments work effectively to smooth out hair and make it luscious and dreamy, but if they are done too frequently, the buildup of protein on the hair causes it to become brittle,” says hairstylist Sylvia Vaught, who\'s also the founder of L.A.-based home blowout service Blow Me.
3. Hormone Changes
“Birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause are all times of physiological shifts within the body that can have an adverse effect on the hair, including dryness and brittleness,” says Vaught.
4. Using the Wrong Shampoo
Not all shampoos are created equal: Vaught warns against using your man’s drying shampoo when yours runs out. “You would be better off rinsing your hair a few times with just water to remove some of the oil, rather than risk the stripping effects of a shampoo that is not right for you,” she says.
5. Brushing Hair When Wet
“Remember that hair is most susceptible to breakage when it is wet,” says Vaught. This won’t necessarily dry the hair, but it will leave the ends brittle and lead to breakage down the entire strand. Instead of brushing wet hair, use a comb with a bit of leave-in conditioner on it.
6. Daily Heat Styling
Whether it’s the dryer or flat iron, daily heat to the hair will strip the hair of moisture. “This causes quite a bit of unnecessary damage that can be avoided,” says Vaught. If heat is imperative, aim to keep the temperature below 400 degrees.

Vitamin C maintains healthy skin by creating and promoting the expansion of collagen, as well as the creation of ligaments and scar tissue, Loving says. By slowing the rate of free radicals, it also appears to slow the aging process by keeping wrinkles, dryness and fine lines at bay.

A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vitamin C intake from food sources was linked with a less wrinkled appearance and less age-related skin dryness in middle-aged women.

Natural Prescription

For those had dryness of skin or hair, take 2 capsules of Guard C 2 times a day; or in extreme cases 2 capsules 3 times a day 1 hour before or after meals. Guard C is calcium ascorbic. This is the best combination because the calcium serves a buffered for Vitamin C that will help prevent to gastric irritation in sensitive persons.

there is no single cause of dry hair. Rather, a variety of factors can lead to dry hair, including environmental conditions, hair care habits, and your physical health. Environmental conditions that may cause dry hair include:
• living in a dry, hot climate
• spending a lot of time in the sun
• frequently swimming in chlorinated water
• vitamin deficiency